Privacy Statement

If you are a guest/renter or visitor to our website, you are entrusting us with your personal data. Please familiarise yourself with how we protect it, our policies and the rights you have in relation to GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

Who is the data controller?

The controller is the company Granddoksy, spol. s r.o., ID: 04055021, VAT: CZ04055021, with registered office at Kezeliova 234/6, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert 241787, which operates the website We process your personal data as a controller, i.e. we determine how the personal data will be processed, for what purpose and for how long and we select any other processors who will assist us with the processing.

Contact details

If you wish to contact us in the course of processing, you can contact us by phone: +420 487 883 001 or by email:

We declare

We declare that, as the controller of your personal data, we comply with all legal obligations required by applicable legislation, in particular the Data Protection Act and the GDPR, and therefore that:

  • we will only process your personal data on the basis of a valid legal ground, in particular a legitimate interest, the performance of a contract, a legal obligation or consent,
  • we comply with the information obligation under Article 13 of the GDPR before we start processing personal data,
  • enable and support you in exercising and fulfilling your rights under the Data Protection Act and the GDPR.

Scope of personal data and purposes of processing

We process personal data that you entrust to us for the following reasons (to fulfil these purposes):

  • Provision of services or performance of a contract – we need your personal data in the following scope: billing data, e-mail, telephone, or correspondence address, if necessary, for the performance of a contract (rental of premises, etc.)
  • Bookkeeping – if you are a customer, we necessarily need your personal data (billing data) to comply with the legal obligation to issue and record tax documents.
  • Marketing – sending newsletters: we use your personal data (email, first name, surname if applicable) for direct marketing purposes – sending you commercial communications.
  • Photographs and video recordings of seminars: at some of our events – training courses, seminars, etc. we take photographic documentation or video recordings. We use photographs in promotional materials, especially on the website. Video footage is used for further promotion. You will never find the names of the participants in these materials, unless it is a reference, and then by permission.
    We retain your personal information for the duration of the statute of limitations, unless the law provides for a longer period of time to retain it or we have specified otherwise in specific cases.


When you browse our website, we record your IP address, how long you stay on the site and which page you come from. We see the use of cookies to measure website traffic and to personalise the display of the website as a legitimate interest of our administrator, as we believe that this enables us to offer you an even better service. Cookies for advertising targeting will only be processed on the basis of your consent. Our website can also be browsed in a mode that does not allow the collection of personal data. You can disable the use of cookies on your computer in your internet browser.

Transfer of personal data to third parties

Your personal data can be accessed by our employees and associates who are bound by confidentiality and trained in the security of personal data processing. We handle most of the processing operations ourselves and do not need 3rd parties to do so. For some specific processing operations that we cannot provide in-house, we use the services and applications of processors who specialize in the processing and are GDPR compliant.
These are the providers of the following platforms and services:

  • Google – Google Analytics
  • Google – AdWords
  • Google Analytics – Google Analytics

It is possible that in the future we may decide to use other applications or processors to facilitate and improve the processing. We declare that, in such a case, we will place at least the same demands on the processors in terms of security and quality of processing as we do ourselves and they will always be listed in this document.

Transfer of data outside the European Union

We only process data in the European Union or in countries that provide an adequate level of protection based on a decision of the European Commission.

Your rights in relation to the protection of personal data

You have a number of rights in relation to the protection of personal data. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact us by email:
You have the right to information, which is already fulfilled by this information page with the personal data processing policy.
Thanks to the right of access, you can challenge us at any time and we will document within 30 days what personal data we are processing and why.
If something changes or you find your personal data outdated or incomplete, you have the right to have your personal data completed and amended.
You can exercise your right to restrict processing if you believe that we are processing your inaccurate data, if you believe that we are processing unlawfully but do not want to delete all of your data, or if you have objected to the processing.
You can limit the scope of personal data or the purposes of processing. (For example, by unsubscribing from the newsletter you limit the purpose of processing for sending commercial communications.)
Right to erasure (to be forgotten)
Another right you have is the right to erasure (to be forgotten). We do not want to forget you, but you have the right to do so if you wish. In this case, we will erase all your personal data from our system and from the system of all sub-processors and backups. We need 30 days to secure the right to erasure.
Complaint to the Office for Personal Data Protection
If you feel that we are not treating your data in accordance with the law, you have the right to complain to the Data Protection Authority at any time. We would be very happy if you first inform us of this suspicion so that we can do something about it and correct any wrongdoing.
Unsubscribing from newsletters and commercial communications
We send you emails with newsletters, current offers and information about services if you have been a customer based on our legitimate interest. If you are not yet our customer, we only send them to you on the basis of your consent. In both cases, you can stop receiving our emails by unsubscribing from the newsletter in the footer.


We would like to assure you that our employees and associates who will process your personal data are obliged to maintain confidentiality of personal data and security measures, the disclosure of which would compromise the security of your personal data. This confidentiality shall continue even after the end of the contractual relationship with us.

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